We have developed an automated funnel
to get you more customers
You've probably heard the term 'Sales Funnel' quite a lot recently, so I want to break it down to show you what they are all about, and how it will help you and your business to get more customers
Step 1 - Drive
This is about getting people to your business, and whilst most websites look great, that isn't really their sole purpose. We create high converting sales funnels with the sole aim of getting customer information for your business, helping to put your sales on auto-pilot so you can focus on doing the things you love. We can generate traffic through paid advertising, organic marketing, existing databases, dead databases etc. There is no size fit's all approach and each business is completely different.
Step 2 - Offer
Most business owners (but not you) think they are completely in tune with their ideal client, but most of the time they use industry jargon, offer 'Free consults' and wonder why people aren't queueing up to get involved.
The consumer's mindset is constantly changing, people are more informed than ever before so to get someone to take massive action and book in a call, come in for a demo (and so on...) we need to re-think the offer's that we have and make it ridiculous for people to say no
Step 3 - Nurture
Now we have people on our page, a great offer that makes them want to opt-in. Now we're in Funnel City! .
Did you know we must speak with a customer 8 to 10 times before they make a purchasing decision - most sales teams simply don't have the time to keep following up and answering questions.
You see where we're going with this right?...
Step 4 - Automate
First, just think about how much time you would save if a lead came in, you receive a text message of the lead (so you can call them, or follow up, but they're going to be getting a sequence of text messages & emails telling them the FAQ's of your business, slowly growing you brand name and recall in their brain so that they begin to Know, Like and Trust your business.
No more sitting around playing the long game (We will do the hard yards for you - at least, we will get our robot friends too)